Wednesday, November 15, 2006

my sister kept telling me about these AMAZING shoes she got at payless and it's not that i didn't believe her but i was not expecting these granny booties (above). they're basically perfect: the heel's not too high, the shape is totally NOW, they're all black, and they were like $16. i especially like the cute cut-outs in the front - perfect for wearing colored tights. they actually look a lot of these calvin klein 'classifications' shoes i thrifted last week (right); the only real difference being the heels. i haven't decided yet if i'm going to keep them or ebay them. i like them a lot, they fit perfectly, and nylon tells me everyone is going to be wearing similarly-shaped JAZZ SHOES, but i have yet to figure out how to wear them without looking like a nun.
in other cheap shoe news, these ridiculously high heels are at target for $30. even though i'm kind of over the whole patent leather/ louboutin knockoff thing (this summer, though, i wanted some SO BAD), the leopard print ones are awesome in a christina aguilera kind of way. they're 30bucks, which is more than i'd generally pay for target shoes, but the leopard ones might be worth it. and check the cute peep toe!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

could somebody please identify the shoes in the top photo? i went to the payless website and couldn't find them. i can't imagine the quality being very good (or even real leather?), but i'm desperate to find a substitute/replacement for similar shoes i currently own. beautiful dove grey soft leather, with a pointed toe, almost school-marm-ish, but the best thing i've ever found at the flea market in dc.

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, i would try wearing the other pair (lovely find!) with colored tights, tailored/dress (short) shorts. . . on top is up to you. maybe a nice blouse or norma kamali-esque cotton/cashmere top? but that's just me. (but if you DO ebay those shoes, let me know first!)

10:35 PM  
Blogger thrift store couture said...

hey! they're called 'koincidence' and last time i checked, they WERE on the website. i actually scored a WHITE pair but they seem to be some kind of fluke because me sister scoured all dc/va payless-es for them afterwards and another pair, in any size, were not to be found. the black ones, though, were recently replenished at my local payless (i saw them when i was buying their leopard print flats). and good idea on styling the other pair...

6:34 PM  
Blogger Nest said...

i have these shoes and love them. best $16 ever spent. payless is a dear friend.

11:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love the pair you got at the thrift store! They are so funky!

10:47 AM  

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